“If you have faith as a small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move.Nothing will be impossible for you."
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According to a JAG memorandum reviewed by RRN, Fauci genuinely believed that Obama had authority to phone GITMO and grant a stay of execution or supersede the Office of Military Commissions’ judgement against him. When told Obama wouldn’t be calling, Fauci, desperate and belligerent, began proclaiming his innocence, hollering into the air, his crackled voice echoing off the walls of his Camp Delta detention cell. “You can’t do this to me; I’m Dr. Fauci,” he screamed. Upcoming Military Tribunals Sec. of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack — May 9 William Charles Ayers — May 12 Actor Alec Baldwin — May 16 Former Hussein Obama Advisor Valerie June Jarrett — May 18
Links https://realrawnews.com/2022/04/gitmo-double-header-execution-anthony-fauci-loretta-lynch/ https://realrawnews.com/2022/05/upcoming-military-tribunals-2/
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